Exhibition of the Constitutional Court (MK) of Jakarta Book Fair 2011 placed in Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta. The event book fair takes place 1 to 10 July 2011.
Participation of the Constitutional Court (MK) in an effort to develop conscious constitutional culture is not only doing such activities meeting speech and so on. But it is also done through the book fair. That's what's done by opening the Constitutional Court in Jakarta Book Fair booth 2011 in Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta. The event book fair takes place 1 to 10 July 2011.
Apparently, interest visitors to Jakarta Book Fair 2011 are quite high, including the Constitutional Court against the book stand. Various visitors to all intents and purposes, came to stand MK books. There are just curious, what are the contents of MK books, including books and get free accessories from MK. There is also interested, because he saw that impressed MKRI unique building with nine pillars.
"Honestly, I am interested to see the uniqueness of the Constitutional Court because of the impression the building is classic and pillars," Ari said one visitor.
Meanwhile, Desti a librarian of a private secondary school in Bekasi, claimed to be interested in books on the Constitutional Court because it is required as reference materials for school libraries. In addition, he observed the development of the more significant by the Constitutional Court rulings, including the following actual cases related to the Constitutional Court recently.
"Students of our school with the world's growing interest in constitutional law, they want to know more about the performance and the authority of the Constitutional Court," Desti said. She plans to visit the library of the Court.
Meanwhile, Suhadi interested in the book stand of the Constitutional Court because it requires the books of the Constitutional Court as a reference material as a legal practitioner profession. Suhadi said almost every day he observed the development of constitutional law at the Constitutional Court, the news in the media associated with the Court, all of which are useful as input for the development of the profession.
Jakarta Book Fair 2011 is to be interesting entertainment and release thirst for book enthusiasts. This book provides a diverse exhibition of books, both books of law, religion, education, computers, family, and children. Not to forget, some well-known media come to open a stand for the media to attract customers with attractive offers and bonuses, as well as the price is quite affordable. (Nano Tresna A./mh/Yazid.tr)
Friday, July 08, 2011 | 15:51 WIB 218